The company JONA s.r.o. , formerly known as Kovovýroba Navalaný, has been operating in the Kežmarok district for 22 years. We are committed to the prosperity and future of our region, to the education and training of future generations. We are aware of the importance of vocational training of future workers in the engineering industry, which is why wecooperate on a long term basis with the Secondary Vocational Technical School, Stará Ľubovňa and the Secondary Industrial School of Technology and Design in Poprad. Some pupils of these schools carry out their practical training with us, where they are gradually trained in various working procedures, they have the opportunity to combine their theoretical knowledge with real activity. They can acquire the work habits necessary for their future professional life, experience the working team of permanent co-workers. We are very pleased with the fact that some of these students stayed on to work in our company after graduation.